How to config Multiple barcodes reading in Newland PDA
Announcer: Ivan Time: 21st Apr 2022
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How to config Multiple barcodes reading in Newland PDA



A picture containing application
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Graphical user interface, application
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Advanced -Multiple barcodes

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message
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Value: 0 means no limit

Output barcodes of the same content and different types

If this option is on , then if you read different barcode type with same content ,it will output.

If this option is off, when you read the same content ,just output the first scanned barcode.

Eg:  Code128  content: 123456

     QR code  content: 123456

If you choose on, then read two barcode will both output.

If you choose off, then just output one 123456(depend on which barcode you scan first)

Graphical user interface, application
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